Maggie Millner is the author of Couplets, a New York Times Editors' Choice, one of The Atlantic's ten best books of 2023, and a finalist for the LA Times Book Award in Poetry and the Lambda Literary Award for lesbian poetry. Couplets has been (or will be) translated into six languages and published in seven countries.
Maggie's poems have appeared in Best American Poetry, The New Yorker, The Paris Review, POETRY, Kenyon Review, BOMB, The Nation, and elsewhere. She is a Lecturer at Yale and a Senior Editor at The Yale Review.
Maggie was the 2020–'21 Olive B. O'Connor Fellow in Poetry at Colgate University, the 2019–'20 Stadler Fellow at Bucknell University, and the 2016–'18 Jan Gabrial Fellow at NYU, where they received their MFA. They are also the recipient of fellowships from Poets & Writers, the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, the Sewanee Writers' Conference, the Community of Writers, the Disquiet Literary Program, and the Fine Arts Work Center.
< pic of my whole soul by Kiana Ward